Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kyoto to Gifu

Today we left our hotel in Kyoto early to visit the Kiyomizudera Temple. You walked up a narrow street which had touristy shops on it to the Temple. The temple's roof is currently being renovated so it was covered up  - the renovation will take 3 years. The main hall of the temple and the balcony which we stood on were all made without the use of nails.
There is a waterfall where the stream of water is divided into 3 parts. You can use a long handled cup to drink from the streams. Each one represents a different thing - love, genius or money. What did your child choose?

1 comment:

  1. I am guessing Connor went for Money, as he already is a genius, but if he is feeling home sick he might just have gone for love? But given a chance he would have drunk from all three!
